Sunday, June 6, 2021

 As Sister's in Zion, As the Army of Helaman and as Ogden Utah Sevice Missionaries our influence is felt.  

On Sunday June 6, 2021 Our mission had an opportunity to present a program in the North Ogden 3rd ward. We were given the opportunity to do a fifth Sunday presentation which gave us the opportunity to convey one of the goals of our mission is to let members of the church in our area know of the diverse talents, skills and testimony of the young service missionaries in the Ogden Service Mission.

Elder Tanner Williams did a marvelous job as the moderator of our program in fielding questions to the missionaries as well as answering questions from the members of the ward. 

Most all of our missionaries had the opportunity to bear testimony and share aspects of their mission experience. They expressed the joy they have in their service as well as some of the challenges. 

Our music committee beautifully performed 'Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing'. and our newly formed Mission Choir in their debute performance shared the number, an EFY medeley, "As Sister's in Zion' and 'Army of Heleman'.  With actually only three practices on a very difficult number we were able to spread the spirit through the gift of music to our listeners. Our Mission Choir will surely bring more opportunities to unite and enjoy giving this gift.

As our first full mission presentation we all felt it was successful and we were proud and pleased with the effort we offered. Most importantly we knew angels attended us and made up for any of our weaknesses orlack of time to prepare. 

Our love for our Savior and our committment to Service is our callings was displayed through this opportunity. We look forward to doing more and sharing our light and testimonies.


Service Missionary Purpose

Welcome to the Ogden Utah Service Mission Blog. Our purpose is to help others come unto Christ by serving them as the Savior would. We serve voluntarily in charitable organizations, in Church functions, and within the community. We will minister in His name to the one, just as He did, expressing His loving kindness.